The Hadaka Matsuri! Let’s get naked! – Week 10

The Hadaka Matsuri is a Japanese festival in which participants wear only a Japanese loincloth (fundoshi), sometimes with a short coat and rarely fully naked.

The Hadaka Matsuri dates back 500years when worshipers battled for paper talismans called Go-o thrown by the priest. As those who had the talisman had good things happening in their life, the popularity of the Go-o has increased. However, as paper was easily torn, the talismans were changed to the wooden ofuda that we know today.

If you wish to know more about The Hadaka Matsuri festival, please follow the link Hadaka Matsuri

The story linked to the blog article Hadaka Matsuri – Naked Festival begins with the author asking how you would feel to participate in a festival almost naked during one of the coldest days in Japan. She also mentions that participants keep themselves warm by drinking sake to please the goods and purify their body, jump up and down and sing “Washoi” non-stop for hours at a time.

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La Tomatina, a such waste of tomatoes!! – Week 9

La Tomatina is a traditional festival which has been happening in Spain since 1944 or 1945. The origin of the festival is still uncertain, however one of the most popular theories is that citizens of Bunol in Spain, were unhappy with the local council, therefore they began to attack the city councilmen with tomatoes during a town celebration.

If you wish to know more about the La Tomatina festival, please follow the link History

The story linked to the blog article Staged brawl, for what? covers the different opinion of a few Indian commentators regarding western festivals. These critics not only shared their ideas concerning these festivals, but also took the opportunity to compare it with the ones which happen in India.

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The Monkey Buffet Festival – Sacred Animal! – Week 8

The Monkey Buffet Festival is held annually in Lopburi -Thailand  to promote the tourism. The festival includes giving more than 3,000 kg of fruits and vegetables to the local monkey population.

If you wish to know more about The Monkey Buffet Festival, please follow the link Monkey Buffet Festival :: Lopburi, Thailand

The story linked to the blog article Thailand Celebrates Annual Monkey Festival is a summary of The Monkey Buffet Festival. It state what happens during the event and describes how it became, in a very short manner.

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The Love Parade became The Tragic Parade – Week 7

The Love Parade was a popular dance/electronic music festival of Germany.

The first parade happened in West Berlin, becoming an annual event. From 2006 to 2010 the event was held in the Ruhr region.

On 24 July 2010, a crowd rush caused the death of 19 people and at least 342 others were injured. Due to this tragic incident, festival organizers cancelled the event permanently.

If you wish to know more about The Love Parade history, please follow the link Love Parade

The story linked to the blog article 19 dead in Love Parade stampede relates what happened during the 2011 Love Parade, where 19 people were killed and at least 342 others were injured.

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The Running of the Bulls – Tradition or Cruelty? – Week 6

The Running of the Bulls is a tradition on which bulls are released on a course of a sectioned-off subset of a town’s streets to run behind thousands of people. The most popular running of the bulls happens in Sanfermines, Spain, in honour of San Fermín in Pamplona. The event takes 7 days and officially begins at midday on 7th July every year. If you wish to know more about The Running of the Bulls, please follow the link Pamplona Bull Run (San Fermin).

The story linked to the blog article A Brief History of the Running of the Bulls begins summarizing The Running of the Bulls’ history; when it happens, where and how it happens.

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The Melbourne Cup; Synonymous of Alcohol and Inappropriate behaviour – Week 5

The Melbourne Cup is considered the major Thoroughbred horse race in the world. The first race occurred in 1861 and was initially held over 3,218 metres, in 1972 the current race of 3, 200 was established. The race is the most prestigious and richest “two mile” handicap and turf race in the world and it is known as “The Race that Stops a Nation”. The event is so important for the Melbourne community that is public holiday in the metropolitan Melbourne. The competition happens at around 3pm on the first Tuesday in November. The event is organised by the Victoria Racing Club, and held on the Flemington Racecourse in Melbourne. If you wish to know more about The Melbourne Cup, please follow the link The Melbourne Cup – Carnival 2011

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The Woodstock Music and Art Fair – Peace and Love in the air – Week 4

The Woodstock Music and Art Fair Woodstock was a three day rock festival that took place on a farm located near Woodstock, New York in 1969. The most popular music event in history was attended by members of the countercultures, often referred as hippies. These people were often characterized as those who were against authority, materialism and the Vietnam War, supporters of the civil rights and experimented with sex and illegal drugs.


If you wish to know more about The Woodstock Music and Art Fair, please follow the link The Woodstock Festival of 1969

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Rainbow above Sydney! – Week 3

Sydney Guy and Lesbian Mardi Gras is an annual guy parade which happens in Australia. The event is very popular, attracting  every year thousands of visitors from around the country and oversees. The parade features more than 8500 participants travelling along Oxford Street in colourful costumes and elaborate floats. Every float represents a topical theme, community group or political message.  The event is often accompanied by fireworks displays, which are launched from the rooftops of buildings along the parade route.This year’s Mardi Gras was attended by up to 300,000 spectators from Australia and overseas.

If you wish to know more about The Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, please follow the link 

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Kumbha Mela – The world largest religious event – Week 2

Kumbha Mela is a sacred Hindu pilgrimage which takes place in four different locations of India; Prayag, Haridwar, Ujjain and Nasik. The event happens four times every twelve years, alternating in such a way that about every three years a Kumbha Mela takes place. The major event of the festival is a ritual bathing at the banks of a particular river located in the town it is being held for that year. Kumbha Mela is considered as the most sacred for all the pilgrimages around the word as thousands of holy men and women attend the event.

If you wish to know more about Kumbha Mela, please follow the link Kumha Mela.

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Carnival- What a Festival ! – Week 1

Rio de Janeiro

Rio de Janeiro, as everybody knows, is considering being the capital of the Carnival. It can be described as a joyful event where people party, sing, dance and have lots of fun. There are many events such as club parties, going on before, during and after Carnival. The Rio’s Carnival is synonymous of Brazil and it is the biggest event held in there, affecting economically all the country. During Carnival not only Rio but all the country stops to enjoy this great moment.

If you wish to know more about the Rio’s Carnival, please follow the link Rio Carnival

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